Friday, April 25, 2008

Remembering the Past

I'm at work tonight. It's such a blessing to have a job that I love and a job where I can minister to hurting women. As I sit here at work each week, I can see how God had a plan and purpose for everything I've been through.

I've been reading from Deuteronomy. I never knew it was such a good book. God has spoken to me so much through this study. I see myself in the Israelites. God blessed them, blessed them again, and continued to bless them. They obeyed, then sinned, then confessed, then turned away from God again, and on and on it goes. God continued to take them back. But they had to pay for their disobedience.

God has had His hand of favor and blessing on my life. It's so evident to me and to others in my life. But, like the Israelites, so many times, I've turned away from God's blessings and have done my own thing. God has been so faithful and kind to continue to take me back. I'm very grateful. There have been consequences though. God takes our committment to Him seriously.

I have found that remembering the past is helpful to me. In Deut., Moses reminded them of the past. He was constantly reminding them of where they had been and what God had done for them. In AA, it says, we do not forget the past, nor do we wish to shut the door on it. So, it's good to remember. Remembering the past makes me so grateful for today. Remembering how God has taken care of me and provided for me in the past helps me have confidance that He will do it again.

I want to be obedient. God deserves my obedience. It is only by the grace of God that I am who I am and that I am where I am today. God brought me from a life of bondage to a life of freedom. He delivered me for a purpose. He has given me a passion for hurting women. I have the privilege of working with hurting women every weekend. God is so good. I'm a very grateful woman today.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Among princes or in the Garbage Dump?

This morning I read in Psalm 113 that God lifts us from the dirt and from the garbage dump and places us among princes.

How awesome is that? That just made my day. I am so grateful today to be standing among princes and not wallowing in the garbage dump. Oh me NEVER go back to that garbage dump again. By the grace of God, I'll keep on in this journey. I'll just keep doing the next right thing.


Friday, April 18, 2008


Today was a great day for me. A good day always starts off with me being clean and sober. If I'm clean and sober, it's a good day. I can be grateful. But the special thing about today was spending it with my bff. Yes, I had lunch and went shopping with JP. I always have a great time with her. I guess if you're going to know me, you have to know about JP.

I guess JP is about my favorite person(other than my kids) in the whole world. You see, JP knew me back when things weren't so good for me and my kids. She was my neighbor. When we first met at the church where my, then husband, was pastor, I had no idea what a dear friend she would be to me. She also had no idea what she was getting into by being my friend. We began to build a relationship. JP was the first person who ever had the courage to tell me that I was a battered leave. She kept telling me this until I finally believed her. I didn't leave though for about 2 years. JP and her husband, RP, were my lifesavors. They were "Jesus in skin" to me. I don't think I've ever seen Jesus in anyone more than I've seen in them. They truly are my heroes.

Let me tell you about their home. When I found myself(and my kids) in a scary, dangerous situation with my husband, I would many times run to JP's house. I would lay on her couch and rest. It was safe there. It was my refuge for those 2 years.

RP and JP literally risked their lives for me and my kids. They "saved" us so many times. They wisked us off to safety and took us to a safe hiding place. They did more than anyone ever has for me. When others looked away, ignored, didn't believe, they were there.

I love them. I always will. I know God is blessing their home. I wish you could all meet them.

That's why I had such a great day today.
