Sunday, July 6, 2008


I had a great day worshipping this morning. I was reminded once again of the freedom that I enjoy because of those who have fought for it. I'm grateful for them. I was also reminded of the freedom that I enjoy in Christ. It's what Jesus came set the captive free. I'm so grateful that Jesus has given me freedom. I'm also grateful that He will never take away that freedom, no matter I do or don't do. My Scripture for this week is found in Isaiah 49:15,16....Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for a child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on my hand...

I'm so grateful to be free. I'm so grateful to loved by God.


Friday, July 4, 2008


Since today was July 4th, I was thinking about freedom this morning. I'm so grateful to be in a country where we have the freedoms that we have here in America. But when I think about freedom, it automatically makes me think of my freedom....freedom from bondage, abuse, addiction. I'm so grateful that today when I woke up, I didn't have to take a drink or a pill to make it through the day. I'm so grateful that tonight, I didn't have to go to bed with an angry, abusive husband. I'm so grateful that I was able to spend the day with my 7 year old playing Wii, reading books, watching cartoons together. I'm grateful that I was able to spend the day with my parents and celebrate my mother's birthday(at RedLobster!!!). I'm grateful that I'm sober and can enjoy these simple things in life.

I was reading in the Psalms tonight. Verse 73 says, You made me; You created me. Now give me the sense to follow Your commands. (NLT)

Today I'm a blessed woman because I'm walking in freedom and victory. The reason I'm experiencing God's blessing today is because I'm walking in obedience. I pray that I will continue to have the sense to follow God's commands.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Freedom and Victory

I've had a good week. My 7 year old son had his first week out of school. We had fun together. We saw the new Narnia movie with friends. That was fun. We slept late. We laid in bed and watched TV together. He's growing so fast and I want to enjoy every moment with him that I can.

Last week, I claimed Psalm 32:7 for my life...For You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory.

I'm grateful that God is my hiding place. I'm grateful that he protects me and gives me victory. After a time of defeat, God brought me back to a place a safety and freedom and victory. For that, I'm grateful.

This week my verse is Psalm 32:8...The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."

This is such a wonderful promise. I'm always talking about doing the next right thing. This week, I will trust God that He is leading me down the BEST pathway for my life. I'm believing that He will advise me and watch over me. Even if things seem scary and seemingly hopeless, I will still believe. God, help me to believe. Help me to not give up. Help to not give in to my disease of addiction. Help me to hunger and thirst after You. Help me to crave You.

This is my prayer. I know that as long as I believe God and as long as I don't pick up a drink, things will be fine. If I keep doing the next right thing, I will be able to enjoy my son all summer long.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sorry about that...

For some unknown reason, my blog decided to post on its own. I'll just continue on...

I stopped doing the "next right thing." I've been so sick with myself. I haven't been in the Word, I haven't talked to Jesus, I have shut myself off from the people in my life that I love so much. I've been in hiding. It's been a very painful couple of weeks.

Well, as of tonight, I have 2 days sober. I'm starting over....AGAIN. Someone told me that it's not how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up. That's what I'm doing. I'm getting back up. I've been in the Word tonight. I've been listening to my favorite praise and worship station. I have been fed tonight. God has shown His love to me tonight. He has encouraged me through the music and some wonderful messages on Youtube. The ladies here at the shelter have blessed me.

Right now, I'm living , not day by day, but minute by minute. I'm powerless over this addiction. But I have a God who has the power to set me free once again. I pray that I will start doing the next right thing again.

I'm at work and it's 1:30 in the morning. I'm waiting on a new client to come into the shelter in moment. Throughout the last year that I've been working here, I've seen so many women and children come and go. I think I have the best job. It's been such a blessing to me. Sharing with these women helped me stay sober many months. In AA, they teach us that in order to keep what we have, we must be willing to give it away. God has been so faithful to me. He has delivered me. I just want to give back what has been given to me. I'll keep on doing just that as long as I'm allowed to.

The last 2 weeks has been a struggle for me. I've taken my eyes off of Jesus. I quit doing what I know to do. I've spent the last 15 months doing what I know will keep me sober. I stopped. I let the worries, the deep deep hurt in my heart, take my eyes off Jesus. I stopped doing the "

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm Trying...

I haven't posted in awhile. I really haven't had anything to say. I've sat down several times to type, but just couldn't make anything happen. Hopefully I'm not the only one who has this problem. I have SO much going on in my life right now. It's really very overwhelming sometimes. I think most of the time I'm strong and hold up well, but then some days, it seems to be more than I can bear. Another reason I haven't posted anything is b/c it's hard to put yourself out there and not know who might read these thoughts in my head. It seems like my mind has been a dangerous place lately. I guess I've just kept these thoughts in my own head. I still have nothing to say really, but I wanted to at least put something down tonight.

I have been reading lots of different blogs to find encouragement. It's helpful sometimes...most of the time. I don't really have anyone to tell my thoughts to totally at this point.

Anyway, I will keep going. I'll keep trying to stay strong.


Friday, May 2, 2008


I am so excited today that I can hardly stand it. I'M THROUGH WITH SCHOOL FOR THE SUMMER!!! I actually feel very weird this morning. I feel like I should be doing something....studying, reading, worrying about a test or SOMETHING. I think I will enjoy myself for about a week. I'm going to be lazy, watch some Lifetime, eat with some friends, go to the movie with my daughter. I think I deserve it.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Remembering the Past

I'm at work tonight. It's such a blessing to have a job that I love and a job where I can minister to hurting women. As I sit here at work each week, I can see how God had a plan and purpose for everything I've been through.

I've been reading from Deuteronomy. I never knew it was such a good book. God has spoken to me so much through this study. I see myself in the Israelites. God blessed them, blessed them again, and continued to bless them. They obeyed, then sinned, then confessed, then turned away from God again, and on and on it goes. God continued to take them back. But they had to pay for their disobedience.

God has had His hand of favor and blessing on my life. It's so evident to me and to others in my life. But, like the Israelites, so many times, I've turned away from God's blessings and have done my own thing. God has been so faithful and kind to continue to take me back. I'm very grateful. There have been consequences though. God takes our committment to Him seriously.

I have found that remembering the past is helpful to me. In Deut., Moses reminded them of the past. He was constantly reminding them of where they had been and what God had done for them. In AA, it says, we do not forget the past, nor do we wish to shut the door on it. So, it's good to remember. Remembering the past makes me so grateful for today. Remembering how God has taken care of me and provided for me in the past helps me have confidance that He will do it again.

I want to be obedient. God deserves my obedience. It is only by the grace of God that I am who I am and that I am where I am today. God brought me from a life of bondage to a life of freedom. He delivered me for a purpose. He has given me a passion for hurting women. I have the privilege of working with hurting women every weekend. God is so good. I'm a very grateful woman today.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Among princes or in the Garbage Dump?

This morning I read in Psalm 113 that God lifts us from the dirt and from the garbage dump and places us among princes.

How awesome is that? That just made my day. I am so grateful today to be standing among princes and not wallowing in the garbage dump. Oh me NEVER go back to that garbage dump again. By the grace of God, I'll keep on in this journey. I'll just keep doing the next right thing.


Friday, April 18, 2008


Today was a great day for me. A good day always starts off with me being clean and sober. If I'm clean and sober, it's a good day. I can be grateful. But the special thing about today was spending it with my bff. Yes, I had lunch and went shopping with JP. I always have a great time with her. I guess if you're going to know me, you have to know about JP.

I guess JP is about my favorite person(other than my kids) in the whole world. You see, JP knew me back when things weren't so good for me and my kids. She was my neighbor. When we first met at the church where my, then husband, was pastor, I had no idea what a dear friend she would be to me. She also had no idea what she was getting into by being my friend. We began to build a relationship. JP was the first person who ever had the courage to tell me that I was a battered leave. She kept telling me this until I finally believed her. I didn't leave though for about 2 years. JP and her husband, RP, were my lifesavors. They were "Jesus in skin" to me. I don't think I've ever seen Jesus in anyone more than I've seen in them. They truly are my heroes.

Let me tell you about their home. When I found myself(and my kids) in a scary, dangerous situation with my husband, I would many times run to JP's house. I would lay on her couch and rest. It was safe there. It was my refuge for those 2 years.

RP and JP literally risked their lives for me and my kids. They "saved" us so many times. They wisked us off to safety and took us to a safe hiding place. They did more than anyone ever has for me. When others looked away, ignored, didn't believe, they were there.

I love them. I always will. I know God is blessing their home. I wish you could all meet them.

That's why I had such a great day today.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

God satisfies

Psalm 90:13-16....Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Let us see your miracles again; let our children see your glory at work.

This excited me when I read it this morning. This has been my life for the last 2 years. When I wake up in the morning, I am satisfied and excited about the day. I have felt God's unfailing love in my life these last 2 years. Some days I haven't been very worthy of His love, but that's the cool thing about God. He loves me anyway. I have a joyful song in my heart today. I love to listen to my Christian radio and praise God for His love and mercy. God has certainly given me gladness to replace the years of misery. I know misery. I know despair. Last week, I had a phone conversation that reminded me of the misery I was in. I'm grateful that today, I have gladness. The evil years I've lived have been replaced with good. It hasn't been a bed of roses for me these last 2 years, but it's still been good. Today is a good day because I'm sober and free from abuse. I have had the privilege of seeing so many miracles performed in my life. I KNOW that God is real and He's active in my life. I pray that I never forget what God has done for me. I guess the next part of the verse is my biggest prayer today...let my children see your glory at work. I want so much for my children to experience what I have. I want my children to believe God. I want them to know of His unfailing love. I want them to experience real, deep down joy. My prayer is that God will reveal Himself to my children and that they will recognize it and accept it.

I'm excited today. I have so much hope for the things going on in my family today. God has been huge in my life in the past and He will be today. I'm grateful.


Friday, March 21, 2008

I am weak, but He is strong...

It's so cool the way God gives us just what we need when we need it. I struggle so much with beating myself up because of leaving my kids in our abusive relaltionship so long. So many times I struggle with feelings like a failure as a mother. But then I read something like the devotion from Prov.31 this morning. The Scripture for today is...My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in your weakness. I'm definitely at the end of myself. I can't do this with Matthew. I'm not capable to lead Matthew through this dark, hurting, rebellious time in his life. I can't, but God can.

I've been feeling so out of control this week. I can't control Matthew. I can't make him do right. I can't control the outcome of this situation. In the past, when I am not in control, that's when I would drink/use pills. Praise God that TODAY, I'm not handling it that way. I'm working really hard to let God be in control. I'm just trying to use the tools that have been given to me to do the right thing. God, give me a heart that desires to obey You no matter what is going on around me. That's my prayer. That's what has kept me clean and sober for over a year. Today I will hold onto the Truth that God is made strong in my weakness. Amen.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

God is still good....

Sometimes life is very hard. Sometimes it's hard to understand why things happen the way they do. When things are really tough, it's even hard to see how God could be in control. I know that God being in control isn't based on my feelings.

Being a mother has to be the thing that brings the most joy in my life. But sometimes it brings hurt and disappointment. It's hard for me, as a mother, to watch my child go down the same destructive path that I went down at his age. Last night was a horrible night. I was afraid. I had to take my son to the ER for this destructive path he's heading down. As I look back on last night, I can see God in it. God has his hands on my family. He has his hands on Matthew. How do I know this? God allowed me to find vital info. on matthew's myspace. God allowed Matthew to have a breakdown last night and get him to the hospital. God has given me the strength so far to deal with this hard situation. When I am weak, God is strong. I'm counting on this over the days to come. This is my hope.

God is good. I have tasted the Lord's goodness. He's still good in tough circumstances. I will believe God to see us through this trial. I look forward to what God has for Matthew and for me.

Please pray for us.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Goodness of the Lord....

Yesterday I talked about the goodness of the Lord. I've experienced that goodness. My life has been good. For the first time in a long time, I have the good life. Why would I make the decision to go back to my old life? I have enjoyed about 15 months of sobriety. I've enjoyed a little over 2 years of freedom from abuse. I've enjoyed an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus. I've enjoyed the love and support of people that God has put in my life. So why did I make the willful choice to go back?

It's what I know. I was very comfortable in the pit for about 20 years. I had set up home there. I really didn't want to get out of the pit. But I was at the end of myself....I had nowhere to look but to Jesus. I cried out from the pit and Jesus scooped me up and placed me on a solid foundation. I was weak and unsure and unsteady, but God was right there with me till I got some strength about me.

After being out of the pit for over a year, I am still drawn back to it. I've done pretty well(with God's help) staying far away from the pit until recently. I have been walking so close to pit here lately. In Psalm 73:2, it says...."But as for me, I came so close to the edge of the cliff! My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone." This is where I've been for the last month. I had 2 nights of disobedience and a month later, I'm still so close to the edge that it's scary.

I'm drawn to the bottle. It's what I know. It's where I go when things are scary, unsure, seemingly hopeless, etc. I want to escape when things are too tough. But that is the old Kim. The new Kim runs to Jesus. A little further in Psalm 73:21-26 it says...."Then I realized how bitter I had become, how pained I had been by all I had seen. I was so foolish and ignorant-I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you. Yet I still belong to you; you are holding my right hand. You will keep on guiding me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever."

I claim this Scripture for me and for my kids. Everything will be fine if I simply obey God.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!!

Last Sunday, my pastor preached from I Peter 2:1-3...So get rid of all malicious behavior and deceit. Don't just pretend to be good! Be done with hypocrisy and jealousy and backstabbing. You must crave pure spiritual milk so that you can grow into the fullness of your salvation. Cry out for this nourishment as a baby cries for milk, now that you have had a taste of the Lord's kindness.
So get rid of all malicious behavior and deceit...hypocrisy and jealousy and backstabbing....I have definitely had a taste of the Lord's kindness over the last 2 years. It's a wonderful thing the enjoy. Daily, I worked on "getting rid" of all the things which held me captive. Everyday, I simply tried to do the next right thing. I started this time of "getting rid" of things out of desperation. My life was in the pit. I did it because I had to. But God, being the way He is, allowed me to begin to taste of His goodness.
You must crave pure spiritual milk....After sortof of "faking it" for a while, I began to truly desire God. I wanted to taste more of His goodness. When we have a delicious meal before us, we don't want just a little bite....we want more and more because it is so good. I began to look forward to my time with God. I couldn't get enough of Jesus. I had a hunger and a thirst for Jesus. What a wonderful place to be.
So that you can grow into the fullness of your salvation...It really works. When I get into the Word daily....when I truly desire to taste of the Lord's goodness...when I know I can't survive without Jesus...that's when I grow. This growth helps me resist temptation. This growth helps me live a godly life. This growth helps me believe the Truth instead of the lies of Satan. This growth helps me fully experience God's love for me. Oh this is such a wonderful place to be....growing spiritually.
Now that you have had a taste of the Lord's kindness...As I taste the Lord's kindness, I want more and more, like that delicious meal. I can't get enough. There's nothing like experiencing this kindness. As I am in this place of enjoying God, I want to love God more, I want to seek Him more, I want to obey Him. Because of His goodness and kindness.
Why would I ever want to go back to the pit? Why would I ever risk giving up the good things in my life? I will talk about this next time.....

Friday, March 14, 2008

Let me introduce myself....

I thought I'd begin by telling a little about myself. I am a single mother of 3. After 20 years of being in an abusive marriage, I finally found the courage to leave. I didn't think I could do it, but God has been with me every step of the way. I am also a recovering alcoholic. This was my way of coping with the abuse I was living in. It hasn't been an easy 2 years, but God has delivered me from the bondage of abuse and addiction.

My favorite Scripture is found in Psalm 40: 1-3.....I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what He has done and be astounded. They will put their trust in the Lord.

God has truly lifted me out of the pit. I had made my home in the pit. It was what I knew best. When I finally cried out to God, He lovingly lift me from the pit. It was a pit of despair, hopelessness, misery, sin....He lifted me out. He placed my feet on a solid ground. I was was new to this way of life. In fact it was very uncomfortable to me at first. Now, I have a new song in my heart. My heart's desire is to share my story with other women. My prayer is that other's will see that with God there is hope out of the bondage of abuse and addiction or whatever it is that has one captive. With God there is hope. He delivered me and He will do it for you also.
