Friday, July 4, 2008


Since today was July 4th, I was thinking about freedom this morning. I'm so grateful to be in a country where we have the freedoms that we have here in America. But when I think about freedom, it automatically makes me think of my freedom....freedom from bondage, abuse, addiction. I'm so grateful that today when I woke up, I didn't have to take a drink or a pill to make it through the day. I'm so grateful that tonight, I didn't have to go to bed with an angry, abusive husband. I'm so grateful that I was able to spend the day with my 7 year old playing Wii, reading books, watching cartoons together. I'm grateful that I was able to spend the day with my parents and celebrate my mother's birthday(at RedLobster!!!). I'm grateful that I'm sober and can enjoy these simple things in life.

I was reading in the Psalms tonight. Verse 73 says, You made me; You created me. Now give me the sense to follow Your commands. (NLT)

Today I'm a blessed woman because I'm walking in freedom and victory. The reason I'm experiencing God's blessing today is because I'm walking in obedience. I pray that I will continue to have the sense to follow God's commands.



Pajama Mama said...

Which Psalm?

I sometimes think that the more bondage one's set free from, the more grateful and cognizant they are of that freedom. Like you...

I'm glad you posted bc someone told me the other day that they check your blog through mine and you haven't posted in awhile...

Kim said...

Sorry, that's Ps. 119:73.

Yes, I agree with you. When you've been so deep in the pit and God sets you free, you have MUCH to be grateful for. There's hardly ever a day that goes by that I don't thank God that I'm sober and free.

God, help me to continue to walk in freedom and victory!!