Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sorry about that...

For some unknown reason, my blog decided to post on its own. I'll just continue on...

I stopped doing the "next right thing." I've been so sick with myself. I haven't been in the Word, I haven't talked to Jesus, I have shut myself off from the people in my life that I love so much. I've been in hiding. It's been a very painful couple of weeks.

Well, as of tonight, I have 2 days sober. I'm starting over....AGAIN. Someone told me that it's not how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up. That's what I'm doing. I'm getting back up. I've been in the Word tonight. I've been listening to my favorite praise and worship station. I have been fed tonight. God has shown His love to me tonight. He has encouraged me through the music and some wonderful messages on Youtube. The ladies here at the shelter have blessed me.

Right now, I'm living , not day by day, but minute by minute. I'm powerless over this addiction. But I have a God who has the power to set me free once again. I pray that I will start doing the next right thing again.


5 comments: said...

Dear Kim,

I found your blog because you posted on mine last week. I have read a few of your posts and I can see straight through your struggles to a beautiful heart for Jesus. I hope you know that no matter how many times you fall, God is always there with you. He loves you NO MATTER WHAT! I can tell you already know that, but I just wanted to remind you of it. Don't spend time beating yourself up. Jesus died for all of us. You are clean and beautiful.

I do not struggle with alcohol, however I do have other struggles. I have another blog ( that is devoted to my struggle with weight, self image, and confidence. I write a lot on contentment and overcoming failures.

I oversee the prayer team at Proverbs 31 Ministries. We would be honored to pray for you. Your story has touched my heart.

"Be strong and courageous, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go..." Joshua 1:9


Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

Thank you for being so honest about your struggles. It's refreshing when people don't hide behind the false "happy face" and let others know when they need prayer, when they're having trouble; that's the only way we can encourage each other!

God bless you!
(I'm in GA, too!)

Chef Diane said...

Hey Kim,

I read your blog and my heart hurts for you. I found you by reading Melissa's blog. I can feel for your sturggles. (see my blog) Alcohol is cunning and it will steal your soul if you choose that. If I could say one thing to encourage you today it would be: keep reaching out and remember in those dark hours when you feel alone, God is right there.
One of the hardest things I had to do in life is to just feel it without finding the escape hatch. I use to wonder how you do it, but through just doing the next right thing, it just happened. There are lots of women who can encourage and pray for you. Allow them that blessing. I sure will be one of them.
Cyber hugs and some tissues,
Diane Applwhite

Pajama Mama said...

I'm so proud of you....

Love, me

Jenny said...

Hi Kim,
I know exactly how you feel. My struggle isn't exactly alcohol, but the feelings are the same!

I vividly remember when I was so excited that I made it longer than the time before.

There is a great verse that says, "My enemy do not gloat over me because I am about to get up!"

I love it and I'm praying that you will too!
